Well, last nights Republican Presidential debate on Fox News convinced me. I went in with an open mind ready to listen to what all the Republican candidates had to say. I guess nothing has changed. Just the same old (I'll dance around the issues and hopefully the American people are stupid enough to believe the jargon that's coming out of my mouth) rhetoric that we usually hear in each presidential election. But alas,
I was wrong. Someone did stand up and speak with conviction and honesty, and without fear of rejection. And what he said was exactly what I was hoping, praying for. I love this country, and I want the best for my children, grandchildren etc. Not to my surprise the American people agreed. When Fox News polled America after the debate
Ron Paul won by a landslide. There was nobody near him. He had 33% of the vote and the next candidate (Huckabee I believe) had 15% and so on down. If you want to know more about Ron Paul and his platform that preserves our liberties and our constitution please visit
http://www.ronpaul2008.com/. I know he may not be as handsome Romney, but Ron Paul knows what he's talking about. And is record in the Congress and other positions he's held speak for themselves. I've said my peace, now I'll let you decide. I encourage everyone to do their homework and think hard when they press that button next November.
Please visit http:
//youtube.com/watch?v=IWfIhFhelm8 for a great clip.